人工物の発達と学習に関わる国際会議である8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-Epirob)に2件の投稿が採録決定されました.独ビーレフェルト大学のJeffrey Queisser君とAlexander Shultz研究員が子供型アンドロイドロボットAffettoを用いて運動経験を通じた運動スキル学習器の性能を評価した研究です.
Jeffrey Frederic Queisser, Hisashi Ishihara, Barbara Hammer, Jochen J. Steil, and Minoru Asada. Skill Memories for Parameterized Dynamic Action Primitives on the Pneumatically Driven Humanoid Robot Child Affetto. 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics. 2018.
Alexander Schulz, Jeffrey Frederic Queisser, Hisashi Ishihara, Minoru Asada. Transfer Learning of Complex Motor Skills on the Humanoid Robot Affetto. 8th Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics. 2018.